01 July 2007

Week 1 Wrap Up

Weather: 85 (Ran at 4pm)
Distance: 10 miles
Week Total: 28.1 miles
Type: Long Run
Pace: 9:07 per mile

Week 1 is in the books. My long run today felt pretty good. My plan is to hold my daily runs in the 5 to 6 mile range and bump my long runs by 2 miles each week up to 20, then start my taper and shoot for the Mid-September Air Force Marathon.

I was pretty pleased with how my long run went today and I mixed in walking during my water breaks effectively. There are two long hills start and finish at the AF marathon. It is an out and back course. Walking will have to be part of the equation, but done efficiently, all my readings indicate that it can be used to effectively improve your time. We'll see? Goal is going to be sub-4 hours.

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