21 June 2007

Late Nights and Holiday World

Well, as I feared in my previous post, my night wound up later than anticipated. But it was because of my running, not a detriment to my running.

I couldn't sleep, so I turned on Sports Center and logged a 6 mile midnight run on the treadmill. Felt good...until I had to walk the hills and climb the stairs at Holiday World. Do I get to count it as a "hill work out"?

A side note: Holiday World continues to impress us. Yesterday's experience marked 3 straight years of having a blast, finding the park clean-we even saw their staff cleaning up single drops of melted ice cream and bird droppings on the sidewalks, and polite, friendly staff-perhaps we shouldn't write off the entire current batch of teenagers.

This week is further proof of how much God has blessed me. Despite having gone through Bible Studies which talk about how God gives us challenges, in order to help us grow, it is times like this week which drive it home.

Not surprisingly, during some recent struggles I felt very connected with God, I could sense his presence with me. Currently, things are running more smoothly, I know God is still there, my struggle is making sure that I don't loose focus on him. Yesterday at Holiday World, my 5 year old son was more than happy to leave Mom and Dad behind as he explored the water play area, until he bumped his head. Quickly he returned to my side, tears streaming, clutching my leg. Reassured he was OK and that I was still close by, he returned to his previous behavior, hardly heeding the warning to slow down.

Unfortunately, too often, this describes my relationship with God.

1 comment:

21k said...

Holiday World rocks! I think you can substitute a day at a water park for intervals or something like that.