25 June 2007

Day 1

Weather: Light Rain/mid 60s
Distance: 6 miles
Week Total: 6 miles
Type: Long Slow Run
Pace: 8:27 per mile

Day one is in the books. After most of a week off, it felt good, a little heavy in the legs, but overall not bad. I had a nagging groin pull that I thought had gone away, but apparently thrashing around in the lake with the family irritated it again. Hopefully I can run it out.

I also tried to go back to a pattern I had going awhile back. Morning runs followed by morning Bible reading while eating breakfast. My goal is to work my way through the New Testament.

Another goal I've set for myself is the conscious effort of thanking God for one blessing each morning at the start of my run. Less belly aching and more thanksgiving.

If you take a look at the forums on Runner's World's website you'll find that runners are a spiritual bunch. A lot of misguided folks looking for enlightenment, some agnostics, some atheist, etc., but a good number of professed Christians as well.

Let me encourage you to do a solo run without your MP3 player (or on a treadmill with no TV on), and just take the time to reflect on your relationships. Your relationship with God, your spouse, your family, your friends. See if you don't find yourself thinking about issues a little deeper, seeking out meaningful solutions instead of quick fixes, refocusing a little bit.

Now before you start tuning me out, I'm through, I'm just passing along an idea for you to try. Don't try it on a short run, or a hard run, but on your long slow runs when you've got time to think, give it a try, and let me know if it works for you.

Lunch is over, back to work!

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