02 January 2008


Just completed my Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT).
My baseline Stats for 2008 are:

Push ups: 41 reps = 59 points
Sit ups: 57 reps = 80 points
2 mi run: 13:15 = 100 points
Total Score = 239 points

I scored about as I expected. Weak on the upper body strength, good in core strength, and a bit better than expected on the cardio. I actually had some room to spare on my 2 mile time.

Now the secret is figuring out how to go about getting those scores up, because my current workout regimen is maintaining my fitness level, but not improving it.

I know that some (like my wife) may read that statement and think I'm a bit obsessive. "Why not be content with where I'm at?" It's because I'm a firm believer that there is no such thing as "sustaining". You're either moving forward or falling back.

I've seen this borne out in everything from business, to sports, to relationships. In fitness it's the same. I'm going to get slower and weaker and heavier, it's a proven fact. It's part of the aging process. Waiting until I was 31 to have my first kid means that when he's 15, I'll be 46. When the other two reach 15, I'll be 50. That is my motivation, that is why I push myself, and yes maybe even obsess at times. I don't want to sit and watch my kids' lives from the sidelines. I want to be an active part of it.


Brian said...

And THAT, my friends, is all the motivation you need. My son is 8 and I'm 44. In 7 years, I'll be 51. He won't even be driving yet.

I've always pictured him running or mountain biking with me. Not that he will or that I will force it on him. But, like you, I don't want to watch any of it from the sidelines (if I live that long, God willing).

Your 2 mile time is really good. Mine's about 2 hours. OK, not true. But probably not like yours. Good on ya, mate!

James said...

Thanks for the compliment. I doubt I could match your paces on the terrain you run. This morning's was done on a treadmill.

Not falling and having a treadmill belt act as a giant belt sander (yes, I've had that happen)is great motivation for maintaining pace.

This morning temps were in the teens, so I stayed in.

Brian said...

Smart man. Having things freeze and fall off you isn't much fun!

Treadmills at high speed are certainly tricky. I ran on them for several years without doing much outdoor running at all. Loved the ability to push it and back off at predetermined intervals.

Again, though- you rock. And your motivation is the kind that keeps the workouts going.
