31 December 2007

I am Resolved...

So starts a favorite hymn. So ends 2007. Well, not exactly. I've got nothing against resolutions, in fact I just left Alicia's blog after voting on her poll concerning the same topic, however, resolutions seem destined to be broken, and there are some things that I want to change in 2008 and some goals I want to accomplish for which failure is not an option.

I'm going to end 2007 with a "personal" blog, sharing with you my "resolutions" for 2008.

1) Patience with my Children. Colossian 3:21 (NIV)21Fathers, do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged.

2) Show my Wife I love her on a daily basis. Colossians 3:19 (NIV)19Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them.

3) Improve my personal relationship with God. This is a broad spectrum, but trust me when I say that it's a big project. As I've learned from exercise experiences, small sustainable changes lead to real change. Changing all of me overnight is not typically how God works to refine us, and doing it on my own is impossible.

4) Improved physical fitness. This includes reducing my body fat content, improving general fitness scores, and changing my eating habits and those of my family.

5) Financial Peace. No not to the extremes Dave Ramsey advocates, although I find no fault in his philosophy. I will be working to further reduce my family's indebtedness, improve our saving's contributions, secure financial security for my family, with or without me, and of course, continue to leave the credit card companies disappointed because we don't use their products as frequently as they'd like us to and preferrably, not at all.

That pretty much sums it up. I'm wrapping up 2007 by gorging myself on every piece of junk food I can find. Today is pizza with the boys at Chuck E Cheese's. Jina and I decided last night to write off the balance of 2007 and attack 2008 with fresh resolve, so I'm looking forward to one more night of revelry. Perhaps a box of Twinkies. I can't even remember the last time I had a Twinkie.

Happy New Year, and I pray that you too are. "...resolved, no longer to linger, charmed by the worlds delights. Things that are higher, things that are nobler, these have allured my sights."

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