16 January 2008

One laid to rest, One in critical

No, not anyone I know, just wanted to grab your attention.

Actually I'm referring to my socks...

Approximately 18 months ago the decision was made, based on my increased mileage, to add wicking socks to my running wardrobe, and so I purchased a 3 pack of black New Balance brand socks. Those 3 pair, later supplemented by 2 pair of white (I can't remember the brand name), have lasted me 18 months. They've endured a marathon, a half-marathon, numerous shorter races and countless miles on the road or treadmill.

Earlier this week I returned home from the gym and discovered a large hole in the side of the pair I had on. They were laid to rest with full honors in the trash can. Tonight, the pair that saw casual duty tonight, and running duty tomorrow morning, are showing a pencil eraser size hole in the right big toe region. How much longer can they hold on?

A trip to Target, to replace aging running shorts, prompted me to buy a 3 pack of black Champion brand socks to begin phasing out the pairs that have served me well. Hopefully I have as much luck with the Champion socks as I have with their C9 running apparrel, because I can't support my running apparrel needs and my wife's workout apparrel wants.

When they were no longer considered useful, mighty warriors like the P-51 Mustang fighter plane, the M-1 Garand rifle, and more recently the F-14 Tomcat (yes, the planes from Top Gun) have been withdrawn from service, with only those they served and protected valiantly clinging to the memories of their once proud service. Similarly, so ends the proud career of my running socks. Rest in peace my dear friends, rest in peace. Sob! Sniffle. Weep. Sob!


Anonymous said...

Tis sad indeed. Which would be better? Flowers? Or a gift in lieu of flowers in the name of Champion sock?

If the goal is to become holy, your socks are certainly on the journey with you...

They toe the line.

They are your arch allies.

They don't sweat the small runs.

And they seem to take it all in stride.

But those fartleks blew them all to pieces.

I tried to jog my memory, but I couldn't think of any more at the moment, so I'll dash on off to bed for now.

James said...

Thanks for your condolences. No gifts, just your kind words.

I haven't been keeping TRACK, but the fact that persons local and CROSS COUNTRY are think of me at this time is comforting.

Hopefully the loss will not be an ACHILLES HEEL for me and I will continue my training STEPS and take it all in STRIDE.


Anonymous said...

As your jacket surely knows, wind resistance is futile. The socks had to bonk at some point. And it's better in this way in the long run. Now you need to get some new socks and put some Distance between you and your memories of the old ones. It'll help to Cushion the blow of losing them. I'm sure you won't feel like a Heel Striking up a conversation in new socks. Especially at this time in your life- y'know, midsole. I tried to sign in under my name before, but couldn't so I used anonymous. I can't always keep Track of all my aliases, and I'm sure I'd Trail you for witticisms anyway. I'd hate to keep trying and come off as a POSEr. Wow, this has been a Marathon post. But it's been Ultra fun. Lord knows, I've spent like 5K on computer equipment to act this childish. Sorry, I'm Medaling in your affairs as I keep typing. I'm surely not acting my Age Group. I need to sit down and have a beer. Maybe a Draft? In my dreams, Anita Hill Repeats that I'll get stronger as I go. But that's a Stretch.

James said...

I concede to your wit and word play.