05 July 2008

3rd QTR APFT Scores

Push Ups = 41 Reps/67 Points
Sit Ups = 57 Reps/84 Points
2mi Run = 13:13/100 Points
Total score = 251

Push Ups = 40 Reps/66 Points
Sit Ups = 64 Reps/87 Points
2mi Run = 14:42/91 Points
Total score = 244

Push Ups = 49 Reps/75 Points
Sit Ups = 74 Reps/98 Points
2mi Run = 13:30/100 Points
Total score = 273

1 comment:

Brian said...

My Scores:

Push Ups = I can eat 10 of those ice cream treats in one sitting! 50 points
Sit Ups = Only when I lose the remote. 20 times to change the channel in one hour! 23 points
2mi Run = FOG run! (Fat Old Guy Here) 47 minutes (stopped for beer). 17 points and a loud belch.
Total score = Fat and Happy.

You got to run New Orleans? Dude, that rocks. And yeah, the humidity will kill you if you're not hydrated. I used to live in Houston. I'd walk outside and immediately feel the sweat rolling down my back and legs. But still...New Orleans...runnning!

Have a great day!