21 September 2008


Back up approximately 1 week to the hour that we lost it.

Played a softball tourney yesterday and did something I'd never done, despite playing baseball or softball for 30 + years of my life. I hit a homerun. 1st pitch of the game. Amazed me, I've never even come close. More amazing, I don't have a homerun swing. Anyway enough about that. Must be all the weights I've been lifting...well more likely the sugar rush from the birthday cake I inhaled on Friday night.

My oldest is 7 now. Just doesn't seem that long ago we were bringing him home..sniff, sob....ok, tender moment is over with.

Last post I let you in on my thoughts of running a trail marathon in December. I'm leaning towards not running it. Time constraints and other needs. The woods at my Mom and Dad's farm took a beating from the storm. Lots of trees down, and plenty of them down across fencing. I think I'll take 3 or 4 hours out of each weekend for awhile and go work on clearing off the fence line.

So with that in mind, I think I'm going to maintain a base of 3 to 4 miles per day and begin focusing a little more on strength training for the remainder of 2008.

I'll try to string together something a little more insightful and inspiring for my next post.

1 comment:

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

yeah! i am glad you are back up and running! (no pun intended! HA!)