10 February 2009

A Follow Up to My "Last" Post

As I mulled my decision to stop blogging on the flight out this morning, I began to consider what writing this blog meant and what it had become.

In some ways it became a chance to share my thoughts and ideas, to carry on a conversation, albeit one sided (I guess that would make it a monologue) and often times replaced the conversations that my travel prevents me from having with friends and family.

The more I think about writing, not that I consider myself a writer, I realize that everyone who writes, does so for themselves. Some to share thoughts and ideas, some to gain fame and fortune, but ultimately they draw something from it.

At this point in time my life seems to have grown rather hectic. Personal and professional pressure, responsibilities, and demands on my time have impacted how I spend my time, how I workout, and what my fitness goals are. So also have my thoughts and ideas have changed to reflect where I'm at today. While the topics I originally wrote and tried to continue to write about are still important to me, there are also thoughts, opinions, ideas, questions, and rants that I want to share, but, this blog, with its original intent and purpose does not present the proper venue for those topics. (No I'm not talking graphic OLS stories).

Going back a paragraph to my comment about writing for yourself, I need to do that. I need to write about the things that capture my attention and mindset on any given day. So I will return to blogging in the days ahead, but will do so with a different format. On Running Saved I've tried to avoid discussing some issues, feeling they were not appropriate given the intent of the blog, yet those issues would dominate my thought process looking for an outlet. So I'm going to either create a new look and format for this blog, or create another and start fresh. Either way, I will return, ultimately because I need the outlet. I hope you'll continue to stop by to read my ramblings, feeling free to challenge me when you disagree, or chiming in when you agree.




Todd Benkert said...

I think I'm in the same boat, James. My role and life situation has changed, and if I'm going keep (are restart) blogging, I'll have to start a new blog or change the format of the old one.

I look forward to the reading ahead.


Cindy said...

Hi from Seattle,
I started out reading other runner's blogs for ideas about training and found them to be inspiring. I started blogging because I noticed how the blog was a record of accomplishment.
Keep running, keep blogging...

James said...

Thanks Cindy,

I'm hanging on to both.

Harder to put either down than I ever imagined when I started.

Thanks for reading.
