12 November 2008

Good Run!

Don't you just love those days when everything just clicks.

You know those days when the kids cooperate. You're 5 minutes early instead of 5 minutes late. Your hair looks like it's supposed to, and so on and so forth. Man I love those days.

Had one of those days this morning. Decided last night that this morning would be "Intervals". Stuck with that notion this morning and after a 1/2 mile of warm up, I pressed the treadmill's speed up button (I'm in Des Moines, IA), stopping at a 6:58 pace. I held that for a 1/4 mile interval, wait a second, I'm not gasping for air, and then actually recovered well after a 1/4 mile at 8:27. Then another interval, and another. Surely this can't last? But it did, and I wrapped up 4 miles at a jog.

Man I love days like that. When the weights work you, but don't destroy you. When the run leaves you both exhausted and "refreshed". Alas, then I had to go to work. Oh well, at least it lasted for awhile.

1 comment:

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

yeah!! i am glad you had a good day! i love that!!!