06 April 2009


As I sit here trying to suck in a full breath through chest congestion that has plagued me since Thanksgiving, I had originally planned to blog tonight on whether or not I was going to follow through with another KDF Mini.

This morning was a struggle to breath well enough to run 2.5 miles and walk another half. In the past couple of months, I've pushed through days and weeks like today, an I'm starting to wonder at what cost. Currently I'm battling daily fatigue, a nagging hamstring, and I'm so worn down, I don't even suffer OLS anymore...I don't think I could be excited or competitive about much of anything right now.

With that in mind, I got my Mini question answered for me tonight. As I lay watching the Channel 9, news at 9 broadcast, waiting for the NCAA Championship, the news flashed...KDF Mini and Marathon registration closed, two weeks earlier than anticipated. Guess what? I wasn't registered.

Part of me is sad, because I have friends who will be running and because I've been involved with the race for the past three years. Part of me elated, I don't have to feel like I wimped out. Part of me, a big part, just wants to be rested and well.

Anyway, I want to do a fall marathon...I think...for now, that's a long way off. I think I'm gonna let my lungs rest, and put in hour long lifting sessions for a few weeks instead of my usual 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of weights.

Well enough for now, I'm gonna go watch the game.


A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

janelle is bummed about it being closed too! i hate that for you two!

James said...

As the day wears on, I'm not to bummed. I'm in no shape to run. Physically, I'm pretty worn down right now.

I've got to figure out what is plagueing my breathing, even when I'm at rest.

Tell Janelle to keep an eye on the KDF mini website, last year they opened up a few last minute spots.

Brian said...

How about a marathon you train for, that I train for and Scotty trains for and we meet somewhere between where you live and we live and run it?

James said...


James said...

Marshall University Marathon, Huntington, WV in November

City of Oaks Marathon, Raleigh, NC in November


Brian said...

Either one would work. November gives me time to begin to train up to where i need to be. It'll give me a reason to get back to healthy eating and steady training...