15 December 2007

Well the weather outside is frightful...

This morning's temp was, according to the Weather Channel, 33 degrees at the airport in Louisville. Here on the sunny side of Louisville, it was a bit colder. Toss in about two inches of sleet, and by the time I left the house, a rainy drizzle.

Where was I headed? The Reindeer Romp 4K! The roads were bad enough that, after testing out the capabilities of my Trail Blazer's multiple drive options in the Kmart parking lot, I placed the selector in 4 wheel drive (the ice was a bit much for the AWD setting) and headed to Cherokee Park in Louisville. I arrived uneventfully, but alone. Shortages of babysitters this time of the morning will likely keep my wife from running any of the winter races with me, and my usual "true blue" running partners had better sense. It was raining harder and the remaining ice made for piles of slush and 2" deep puddles. My feet were soaked just going to the registration table.

I had decided to have fun at this race, so I started mid-pack wearing a red and white technical shirt and a Santa Clause hat. I couldn't wait for the photos they usually take. At the start I eased out and just before the first downhill, I began to work my way to the front of the log jam I was in, quietly, but audibly singing, "Well the weather outside is frightful, but the snow...."

1/2 mile mark, feet are soaked, oh well, it'll be over soon, besides feet are too numb to notice.
1 mile , feet are warming up, I'm in the flat part of the course holding a respectable pace that I hope will conserve enough energy for the big hill.

Despite a recent lack of training, I handle the hill ok and recover fast enough to pick up the pace a bit on the downhill. One hill left to go. A fellow runner drifts a little and apologizes, I tell him "No problem, I'm sitting right here anyway." He's caught me on the downhill and with longer legs, I expect him to begin to pull away. He chimes in that his feet are numb, I tell him my right hand is frozen. Then the up hill and in two steps I'm pulling away. I begin to have the "slow up a bit thought" and tell myself "Christ's hill was a tougher climb!" It works. Besides I'm not running this to be competitive.

As we hit the last 70 yards, the fires are fueled. So much for not being competitive. Two potential targets to pick off, the first falls easily. They've narrowed the road with cones as I approach #2. I have to pass close by, he hears my foot falls, he digs deep for his final kick, I go to a full sprint. Amidst shouted warnings of slick spots in the finish chute, I ease in the final 2 yards and allow him to take the spot.

I finish 64th out of 349, 19:27:47 (7:49 pace). Not my best, but given my lack of preparation and the conditions I'll take it. My opponent, finished 2nd in his age group (20-24), the same time placed me 11th in mine (35-39). Snot nosed brat...;>) Oh yeah, where was the photographer, don't tell me he wasn't here!!!!

Overall winner ran a sub 14 minute 4K, but I'm impressed with the folks in the rear. The last place finisher spent over 43 minutes on the course. That's dedication. I was already half way home.

A month to get ready for the 5K...I'll be ready...


A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

i sure thought about you yesterday when i climbed on my eliptical machine in my warm basement! glad you had a good race...see you next month!

Brian said...

Great report- I felt like I was there! Thanks for sharing that.

My best runs are always against the elements. I love fighting bad weather and winning.

That's a great pace for those conditions.

The age-group thing is a trip. It's most competitive in our age brackets (I'm 44). Though I've never been any real competition...

Thanks again for sharing, man.

James said...

Year nothing like getting started late in life in this silliness. Makes it hard to reach the podium.

I made a mistake, the 5K isn't the next race, it's the 4 miler. No warm basement and eliptical that morning Alicia. I'm going to drag you guys out of bed to run that one with me!

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

we'll be there!