25 July 2007


Day 29
Weather: Indoors
Distance: 4.0
Weekly Mileage: 7.0
Type: Treadmill, Tempo
Pace: 8:00 min/mi

Day 30
Weather: Cool, Clear, 59-60
Distance 4.0
Weekly Mileage: 11.0
Type: Easy
Pace: 8:28 min/mile

Just Numbers today, I have some thoughts to post, but considering it is almost 11:30pm and 5:30am comes a bit early, I'll save it for tomorrow.

Something I intend on expanding on in the near future is what I will now classify as "Old Lion" syndrome, as I sit here with an ice pack attempting to limit the damage caused by playing softball tonight.

Unfortunately, despite being in the best shape of my adult life, at 37 the mind is almost always willing, but the body is showing signs of wear.

Why is it old lions will never just slip slowly into an easy life? Why not let the young pups have the big rock?


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