22 July 2007

Back in The Saddle

Vacation is over, tomorrow I start training seriously again. I'm not injury free, but unless I'm sidelined with it, this is the last mention of/whining about it.

I got in on good run in Hawaii. Here's my route: http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=1161645.

I enjoyed this run because it was one I had wanted to do on my first visit. The elevation around the Diamond Head Crater draws numerous runners and cyclist each day and I was thrilled to get a chance to "conquer" the hill.

Distance: 8.86 miles, time 1:30, pace 9:48 min/mi.

Beyond that, I got fat, estimate about 7 lbs added in 10 days. Even as I write this, I'm digesting a bowl of Ice Cream. That will have to end tomorrow.

I am coming back with a new perspective on my life, my family, and what I want to accomplish. More to come on these topics in the weeks to come.

Thanks to all for reading and keeping tabs on me.

God Bless,

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