12 May 2009

My wife got "Fortied Up" on Mother's Day


She'll probably kill me for the post title, but it's kinda true.

After most everyone had left our house, the boys, Jina, my parents and brother, and I were out front. My oldest went in the house and came out with a "Happy Meal" stop watch and wanted me to time how fast he could run from our drive way to the street sign and back (about 90 yards).

After a couple of times, he wanted me to do it. I then badgered Jina about doing it. She finally caved (she can be very competitive at times) and went in to change. While she was doing this, I measured the sidewalk sections and figured out how many it took to equal 40 yards.

After she ran the timed out and back, we started running timed 4o's. All three boys got in on it, my dad (75 y.o.) ran with the twins, and Jina and I kept running them, with me arguing that the stop watch or the operator had to be off, as there was no way she could stay that close to me in a 40 yard sprint. She returned the smack talk...and so the afternoon wore on.

Mom and Dad left and I decided that the curving path of the cul de sac's sidewalk was prohibitive to good times, so we marked off a start and finish line in the street, retrieved my stop watch for more accurate measures and ran even more, with my son throwing in a 200 yard run +/- to my parents house and back. I tried, but respiratory issues made anything longer than the 100 yards to their house an impossibility.

I'm sure the neighbors had a good laugh, some might be mad I painted two small orange lines on the street, but who cares, everyone slept well that night.

It is great to see my wife set a positive example for our kids. Jared was even doing pushups in between sprints. She didn't take Mother's Day off, she continued the fine job she does everyday. Despite her need for a Forty.

1 comment:

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

ha ha ha!! happy mother's day jina!!