31 March 2009

Catching up...or...Running behind?

Man, I don't know whether I'm coming or going lately. No not because life is a hectic rat race. Just the opposite and I'm doing my best to put the time to good use. Could still use a little more, but I'll work with what I've got. What's been going on? Gee, thanks for asking....ok, so you don't have much choice when I'm the one typing what you say.

We begin Little League this week, if the rain holds off. Jared is learning the necessary skills, and seems to be enjoying it when Dad isn't preaching and teaching and pushing and... I'm getting better, but I do have relapses. I've played baseball or softball nearly non-stop for 30 summers, and Jina played four years of varsity in High School, so baseball is near and dear to our hearts...we're hoping the boys take to it as well, but if not, we decided long ago to support them in whatever they choose to do.

Summer means camping, which means breaking out our classic RV. Now when you're a thirty three year old RV, you're bound to need something each year. She cranked up fine after sitting all winter (the RV, not Jina) and finding no immediate must fix issues, I've started sprucing up the bathroom to make it less dreary and a little more appealing to be utilized as a true bathroom space and not just a port-a-pot/shower station. We've got two planned trips already and were excited to learn Jared's ball season will end before we begin camping season in ernest.

All this leads me to the excercise/running portion of my life. Last week's diet was pretty bad. Healthy was not on the menu for our meetings. Also, about 85 percent of us picked up a nasty virus that hit us, with one exception, after we returned home. That put a damper on any long run last weekend, but I did manage to keep my overall weekly miles up with a 4 mile run on the treadmill Sunday morning.

This morning I warmed up for one mile on the treadmill and then did another 2.25 through the neighborhood with my hammy yelling at me to stop the entire time. I did not enjoy the run and I actually found myself dreading the upcoming KDF Mini. Should I run a race I'm not totally commited to this year. On that Saturday, Jared has a ball game at 10 am, Jina has a wedding shower to set up...which means no matter how drained...I've got the kiddos all afternoon. Is it worth it? This year I just don't know? I'm going to keep logging the long run with my partners in crime, but I've got to get off the fence soon and get my head around this race!

Anyway, the past couple weeks training seems to continue to pay dividends and this weekend will be time for another APFT test, so will see if I can get the push up score up and improve overall.

That's about it, time to shut down, board a flight and log a run in a new place..Jackson, MS.

1 comment:

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

hang in there with your running! you can do it!!! i don't feel like my training season has been that great this year.....two babies at home....one being a new baby, sicknesses, work, blah, blah, blah. i have a tiring field trip the day before and a dinner on the friday night before the mini which will each make it a long day. but i am going to give it my all that morning anyhow. if it's not was good as in years past, oh well. i am just at a different time in my life right now! you can do it too! hope to see you saturday!!