01 February 2009

I want(ed) to run...Part 2


My reward for coming home:

  1. Jordan awoke at about 12:30 A.M., wide awake, ready to watch the end of Speed Racer when he realized I was watching it. So a blanket, the couch and him on my chest is how I ended watching the movie..perfect.

  2. Then after putting him down, and before I could get in bed, Jaden wakes up. His pull-up had leaked and his bed was soaked. He wanted me to change put on his new pull up and then, since I was too lazy to do a middle of the night bed linen swap, he got into bed with Jordan and with a smile, drifted off to sleep...excellent.

  3. Sometime in the night Jared crawled in bed with us. While I often get annoyed with the loss of space, after being on the road, I tend not to be quite as agitated and couldn't help but smile seeing him there when I awoke this morning.

    Sooooo. The race would have been nice, the medal added to the shadow box on the den wall, but what I've got to show for not staying, will last me a lifetime. Memories.

    Parenting is so great...hold on a second.....

    "Jared, put that down!" "Jordan, quit hitting him!" "Jaden do you want to get sent to your room too?!"

    ....now where was I....

1 comment:

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

the joys of being a parent!! i love it!