25 January 2009

New Beginnings

Ok, this is one of those resolution type deals where you say it out loud to other people to add a little pressure and incentive to keep it.

First, logged a good long run today with Tammy and Alicia. Alicia dragged us out in the cold with her suggestion to meet and run, and to be honest, I was glad. Thanks!

Second, that was to be followed by a long lifting session at the gym with my wife, but a kiddo who has been struggling coping with going into the kids care for some time now stopped that. I decided that instead of dropping him off and letting him do his usual cry for two minutes and get over it, I'd try to help him come to the conclusion that it was fun in there with the other kids. An hour and a half later of just sitting doing nothing, and he had waited me out....So much for solving that issue, next time I follow Jina's advice.

Third, my eating habits, while not terrible, have not be great lately and I suspect my calorie/fat/cholesterol counts have been creeping upward over the past couple of weeks.

Soooo....I wrote off tonight as my "last meal", ate candy and junk that I shouldn't, dug out an old pocket note pad and decided tomorrow I go strict. Logging my meals and my workouts...so there it is. I'm back in the saddle, mad at myself and motivated to make the guys from the P90X info-mercials look like a Richard Simmons video...

I'll try to keep you posted on how it's going.

1 comment:

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

it was so nice to run together yesterday! don't worry....i'll drag you guys out in the cold again!! all out of love, of course! :)