26 November 2008

A reason for Thanksgiving..The Power of Prayer

Below is the contents of an email that I sent to my friends and fellow employees.

The thanks expressed are also applicable and owed to those of you who visit here, to my friends in ministry and to the members of our church who offered up prayers on our behalf.

To all,

I wanted to give you a quick update this

My mother-in-law has shown signs of recovery. She is
no longer relying on a ventilator for her breathing and has shown some motor
skills and cognitive ability. Far from out of the woods, but she is still
with us and her kids have been spared a second “no real choice”

My second purpose for writing this is to thank each of
you for your prayers and support. I believe all of us knew on Saturday
that there was little that could be done for her medically. In fact both
options presented to the family left little or no reason for hope. What we
witnessed was the grace and power of God and I firmly believe that it was
because of your prayers that God saw fit to leave her with her family a while

As we celebrate Thanksgiving this year, our gathering will
be, as we were last year, short a parent due to illness, but again this year we
are thankful for the blessings God has poured out on us, for the healing he has
provided, and undoubtedly for your friendships that sustain us through such
trying times.

Again, Thank You All!

Wishing you
a Happy Thanksgiving….

James, Jina, Jared, Jaden, and Jordan


Todd Benkert said...

We are thankful for friends like you. Glad to hear the good report.

Have a happy Thanksgiving!

-- The Benkerts

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

happy thanksgiving to you guys too!! we've been praying for you here at the mcafee's. if we can do anything to help, please don't hesitate to call. we would love to have the boys over sometime to play. even if it is just so you two can get some sleep! i know how precious that can be sometimes!!

Brian said...

I've been praying and I'm glad to hear the good report. I'll continue (as I'm sure many will).


Mir said...

Glad to hear the good news!!