22 October 2008

Why do you exercise?

As promised, I'd like your feedback on this one, and if you get a chance, ask a friend to chime in as well.

Why do you workout? or Why not? What is your motivation, your reason, your excuse, etc.

Perhaps you'll inspire someone else or find motivation yourself. I don't have any restrictions on who can post, so those of you who don't want yourself found out, just comment anonymously.

To kick this off, here's mine, after much deliberation and thought.

I workout for 3 reasons and the order of importance varies on any given day. 1) My health. Heart related diseases have claimed 3 of 4 grandparents and afflicted my mom (stroke) and my dad (heart attacks and bypass surgery)and 2 of my dad's brothers. Genetics aren't on my side. 2) Vanity. I like the way I look being fit. 3) Challenge. I like pushing and testing myself.
So there you have, an honest look at why I work out and run. Are you willing to share why you do or don't? Don't worry, I won't write any posts based on the responses. I'm just curious what motivates others and thought it might be fun to share our reasons.


A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

i workout for the follwing reasons...same as you, the order of importance varies based on the day...

1. stress! when i feel stressed a good workout makes me feel great! especially after work. i don't take my stresses home to my family!

2. vanity! i like the way i look...especially after having to take time off. i like the way i feel too!

3. i like to help other people be motivated in their workout. that's why i teach.

4. challenge. i like pushing myself to see what i can do.

5. health---i don't think of this one much. i look at it as a bonus for me. not the way i should probably look at it.

Brian said...

I run and bike because:
1- I like the way it feels
2- I like knowing that I can do it. After having been 240 pounds and very unhealthy, it feels good to know I can run up a mountain or do a 10-miler at the drop of a hat
3- It's incredibly good for my head. As an introvert, I need time alone to recharge for those times of counseling, training, meeting with, etc.
4- Good balance to my really unhealthy eating. Great for my heart, BP, etc.
5- I love listening to Mark Driscoll podcasts while running