08 October 2008

As we worry about Wall Street and Wallets, Don't Forget!


Anonymous said...

Also I would like you to remember innocents dying or suffering on the other side.

Todd Benkert said...

Wow, powerful pictures, especially the second one.

Also remember, God is sovereign over the economy, over the election, over the war. He is faithful.

James said...


I think the picture of the US soldier with the wounded child captures the thoughts and feelings of myself and other Christians as well as Americans of all persuasions.

The tragedy of war is not just the loss of those we love who choose to serve, but those innocents who are caught in these man made hell's. (A assessment of all war, not just this one or its legitmacy or lack thereof.)

I heard a saying once that went something like..."If wars were fought by politicians and old men, we would never have wars."

If only that were the case.

Thanks for your comments and the reminder to all of us to pray for all people and for a peace that only Christ can bring to this world.

James said...


A very poignant reminder to us to lay up our treasures where they will last (sorry, no time to copy and paste in the scripture, anyone else feel free to)instead of putting all our efforts into making gains in this world.