09 September 2008


Previously I wrote about how I felt God's pressence in the last miles of the KDF Marathon. It was one of those times when I could sense him with me just as if he were physically beside me. While that is a great feeling, I've also gone through times when I don't think my prayers left the room. They simply hit the ceiling and bounced around a bit. At other times I've found myself feeling distanced from God, as if I can't seem to draw near to him.

So what's the problem?

My job makes it difficult to maintain friendships. I often go weeks without speaking to, much less having face to face contact with people whom I used to be very close to. Just like when friends move away, it becomes increasingly harder to carry on conversations or to connect on any meaningful level. Time and distance are enemies to relationships and friendships.

Our (my) relationship with God is no different. If we (I) fail to make time to speak to him, to allow him to speak to me, then that distance grows. However, just as it is my travel that has hurt my human friendships, so also it is my wandering that hurts my relationship with God. He's always there, waiting for me to come back.

Note to self: Make Time for God!


Todd Benkert said...

Thanks for the reminder.

Let us commit together to make time for the things that matter most.


James said...

Hey Todd,

I hear things are going fairly well for you guys up north.

Thanks for stopping in.
