22 June 2008


My motivation has been pretty low as of late. For whatever reason, the fall marathon isn't motivating me to log the miles I need to. Perhaps it is the lack of sleep, the grind of travel, the poor eating habits stemming from the boredom of eating grilled chicken salads time after time, and the lack of a balanced diet. Anyway, that is where I'm at the time of this post.

Perhaps I need to do another race, but my recent runs have been mindless slogs on tired legs. Four mile runs have been punctuated by walk breaks and wishes that I was back in bed.

I posted once that there were temporary motivators and motivators that get you through these tough times. I got a reminder this week.

One of my local managers after a couple weeks of "not feeling right" went for a stress test. Result was 100% blockage in one of his arteries, emergency surgery to install a stint. AGE = 36.

Running doesn't guarantee me a long life, but it ups my chances, or at least I figure it does. So tomorrow morning we start fresh, buckle down on my slipping dietary practices and keep logging some miles.


Bev said...

Traveling and being away from family has got to take it's tole on you. Don't forget, it's summer and running is not near as fun when the heat is melting you. Just keep up the work and the quality will come back around.

James said...

Thanks Bev,

Summer is just plain hectic and you are right about the heat.

Hope your back is doing better.