20 May 2008

Cool Run

Ok, summer is here. How can I tell? My days are crammed and I love it. Didn't run much this weekend. Probably a good thing, I could use the rest. Now to figure out how to make myself get more sleep.

Around the house, the old RV is almost ready of an overnighter this weekend. I finished painting on it Sunday night, and my wife is a little happier about being seen in it. Installed the clothesline she wanted and got the grass cut. Throw in a little league T-ball game, and voila! Great Weekend.

The reason for my post title is because when I got my room for Nashville, I wound up at a Marriott right next to Vanderbilt's football stadium. After late nights all weekend, I slept in on Monday before heading out to Nashville and opted to run after I checked in to a room Monday night.

As I was headed out around 8:30 last night, a guy on the elevator told me about a 2 mile loop around Centennial Park right across from the hotel and about a track about a 1/4 mile in the opposite direction. Since every school and university around my house keeps their tracks locked up tight, I thought, that'll be cool. Off I went expecting to find a recreational/intramural track for the college kids. I was wrong. It was Vandy's track and field facility, complete with a synthetic track, and it was open for the public to use.

I ran 400 meter repeats and then headed back to the hotel's gym for some weights. This morning I went back, and at 5 am there was only 3 of us out on the track. Ran a 7:30 first mile and then backed off the pace quite a bit. My legs were still feeling the repeats. Anyway, it was cool to run on a D1 universities track. I'd love to have access to one to run repeats once a week, but running around in circles everyday would get old.

Now back to hammering out some quick emails so I can get on the road around noon central time. Ball game tonight, can't let the kiddos down.


A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

glad to hear things are going well! i love summer! i had a good run today too! i was a good feeling!

James said...

you mean you had a good run "two"