26 April 2008

Race Report

I'll pass on some things I learned later, but for now:

9:33 pace.
514th of 1206 Marathon Finishers,

Original Goal was to finish, next goal was sub 4 hour, felt like I had a 3:45 in me. Accomplished my orginal goal only.

Went out too fast, knew better, but felt really strong. By mile 18 the rolling hills of the second half of the race chewed up my legs. Not my hammys and calves, the down hills shredded my quads.

Was great to see my Dad and Brother at the base of the bridge as I came into Jeffersonville, and it was awsome to see Jina and all three boys yelling for me at the finish.

More later, I've still got to check all my friend's times and start laying out my training plan for this falls marathon.


A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

sorry i missed you at the end. my parents had already waited for about 2 1/2 watching and chasing me. they were hungry and wanted to go to lunch. i was snoozing while you were at wick's! congrats on the marathon! i always think i would like to do that one day but when i get to that turn i think God i am turning left and not right! ha! you are awesome for doing the whole thing!

i compare miles 11 and 12 to child labor. it hurts but when you get to the end, you forget the pain and want to do it again! ha! congrats again!

Mir said...

Great job! I think this course is tougher than one might initially think. 4:10 here is a awesome time in my opinion.

P.S. Thanks so much for your prayers!

Brian said...

Way to go! To finish a marathon and then want to plan for another is, in itself, incredible!

You deserve that post-race meal- I hope you hoover it up!


James said...

Alicia, I have a gut feeling you'll try one at some point. Just a gut feeling.

Mir, thanks for your comments about the course. One of these days I'll learn that a lot of little humps on the elevation chart can be worse than a couple of tall spikes. I hope this finds your Grandmother doing better. You ran a great time with a heavy burden.

I've been eating for two days straight. Tomorrow, back to watching what I eat and off to the gym to work out some of the soreness.