04 April 2008

Only You Can Decide (Sappy Husband/Wife Post)

There is an old saying that you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.

For a couple of years I'd pushed, prodded, pulled, and chastised my wife in hopes of getting her to commit to better eating habits and an exercise routine. Darn it, I wanted her to look hot so I could show her off as my trophy...just kidding. My family's nemesis is heart disease, her family's is diabetes, so there was real concern about carrying extra pounds and not being as fit as possible.

She made a few attempts at it. The Adkins Diet, the South Beach Diet, but didn't stick to any of it very long. That changed 12 weeks ago. At the start of the New Year, she came across an announcement in a KMart ad for their New Day Your Way contest. Primarily a weight loss contest with a writing component kicked in, she had to weigh in every two weeks, with a minimum of 2 lbs of weight loss at each weigh in and then write an essay.

She did it and I couldn't be prouder of her. Somewhere in the past 12 weeks and missing 20 lbs , she also gained. The other day she put one of the twins on her shoulders for the walk back from my parents house to ours (about 1/10 of a mile). Then there was my call home the other night when I interrupted her while she was dancing with the kids. Now she looks forward to her workouts and pushing herself to accomplish new feats. She has her sights set on a goal, one that she has decided she is ready to reach, there may just be no stopping her now.

I'll wrap this up by letting you know, and her know, I couldn't be prouder. She's a great mom to our kids, a wonderful wife, and if she keeps working hard I'll have my trophy to show off...

Sorry, just couldn't help myself with that last one.


A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

wow! that is awesome! CONGRATS!

Bev said...

Congrats to your wife. Generally the prodding and pulling your spouse into anything difficult is not the best idea. But living that healthy example speaks volumes.

Just stumbled across your blog and enjoy it.

Mir said...

I'm so glad your wife has discovered the joys of a healthy lifestyle--it will pay dividends in more ways than one. Kudos!

Bev said...

James, thanks so much for the link to the Army fitness test. That is a great general test to gauge gains in fitness. I think I will give it a try tomorrow.