26 February 2008


In my last post I talked about the long running allowing me to clear my head of accumulated garbage. Like a computer clogged up with bad files, the different file folders in my head were bogged down and moving slow. I'll share some in hopes it might do someone else some good.

Faith/God - Since we are to put him first in our lives, let's start there. If, heaven forbid, you do read all my posts, you'll remember that I admitted some time back to having become impatient with the Big Guy. My life got in the way of my relationship with God. Church became one more thing to cram into a hectic schedule. As my long runs tend to do, I found time to think things through, pray, and of course, he didn't hold any grudges. Now to work my way back to where I was. A very wise Sunday School teacher always tells us about how our growth is not a straight line graph or continual rise, but a steady increase with plenty of peaks and valleys, he even has a diagram he's created. Smart guy, better yet, one of God's guys.

Family - Rule #1: "They are a blessing! Don't forget it dummy." Rule #2: When patience runs short, refer to rule # 1. Rule #3: When you're not sure what your doing matters, refer to rule #1. Rule #4.....

Running - Running started out as a way to improve my health. Now it is a way of improving my life. Every struggle I face, particularly on a long run, I can see a parallel in my daily life. From the motivation to get up and get out the door, to overcoming the self doubt, the mental hurdles, the physical barriers, and the desire to stop and take it easy short of my goal. That is why I said I need the Marathon. There are challenges, both my own creations, and the creations of others that I need to overcome. What I know from training for and accomplishing my first one is that from it I draw the confidence I need to know that I can (with God's help) overcome my adversaries. I can accomplish what others won't even dare try. I'm not giving up.

I know it sounds like a sappy line from a movie, but that's the only way I know to describe it. For me personally, the shorter distances don't do it for me. I know I can handle a 1/2, I may not run it fast, but I know I can complete it with little difficulty. The full requires me to challenge myself physically and mentally. Most of all it is something I do for me, because it's there.

So there you go, a little insight into my life recently. If it bored you, sorry. If your's is going worse, even more sorry. If it helped hearing that someone else struggles, glad I could help.

What are they thinking?
There is a girl/lady that is at the "Y" every morning. She burns up a stair climber every morning. The reason I first noticed her.....no, not OLS...was that she came in one morning and worked out in jeans. I thought man, that's dedication to workout after forgetting your gym clothes. Well, apparently she didn't forget them, she's worked out in jeans multiple times since then. Anyway, back to my point. The other morning as I'm leaving, this girl/lady, who busts her tail everyday on cardio equipment, is sitting in her car, reading a magazine and smoking a cigarette. Now I've known people who worked out so they could wear what they wanted or even eat what they wanted, but I was left shaking my head and asking as I drove off, "What is she thinking?" Oh well, to each their own I guess.

1 comment:

Brian said...

"As I sit here reading your post and smoking a joint, I think about how right you are about God being number one in my life..."

Man, James, the stuff people will do. There's a great term for it- cognitive dissonance. I've counseled people who lived together and the woman (usually it's the woman who has place her faith in Christ- don't ask me why...) says, "I know I shouldn't, but I really love him and I think God gave him to me, so I'm sure God understands..."

Cognitive dissonance. "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure..."- Jere. 17:9. People will believe and rationalize all sorts of things. Now...where did I put that crack pipe...?