Jeremiah 29:11 (New International Version)
11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and
not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
This verse was written on a wall section that we installed at the Habitat House project. It stuck with me throughout the week. Well sort of. Bible verses are like good songs to me, I hear them, I like them, they strike a chord with me, and then I can't remember where they are written or, in the case of songs, who sings them.
As this week has gone by, I finally got an opportunity to use to look up the verse, and I learned something I didn't know. When I read the entire chapter, I discovered that the message was for the Israelites in captivity in Babylon. The message was a promise that God would make sure they prospered and was followed by a much different message for those who remained in Israel.
I'm sure that the captives thought they had gotten the raw end of the deal. They probably prayed that God would set them free and return them to their land. Quite possibly they were jealous of those who got to remain in their homeland.
Why is this important? Well for me, I was one of those captives, hoping and praying for what I wanted God to give me. God answered my prayers this week; by not answering them. What I received was something completely different, and when it came, this verse seemed to sum it all up. I'm not sure how this is all going to turn out, but I've decided he has a plan for me, not my plan, but his plan.
As I thought about sharing this with you I thought about all the "what ifs" we hear about. I'm sure someone was annoyed because they were late for an appointment at the World Trade Center on 9/11. I'm sure someone became upset that they were caught at a red light and didn't make it to the Minneapolis bridge at their normal time. In my life, this just might be that point in time when what I thought was a curse turns out to be a blessing I never could have imagined.
Perhaps Garth Brooks had it right when he sang, "Sometimes I thank God, for unanswered prayers. Remember when you're talking to the man upstairs, just because he doesn't answer doesn't mean he don't care, 'cause some of God's greatest gifts, are unanswered prayers."
A Life Worth Living
9 years ago
Unbelievable- That's what I JUST PREACHED! How cool! Thanks for sharing it. I'll be praying that God turns what seems to be curse into a huge blessing in your life.
My deal with God is this: "God, if I ever pray for something that is less than your best for me, please cancel my request and give me your best instead. I submit to your Lordship."
Easy for me to say. Living it? Well, that's harder.
"The eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those who's hearts are fully committed to him." - 2 Chron.16:9
Seems so easy when we sing "Only Trust Him".
But man it is hard to let go of the reigns.
Read on your blog you're gimped up, hope the knee is better.
Oops. I deleted my previous comment!
This post started off so well. It includes great commentary and explanation of the text. It includes personal application and connects with the reader. Then you had to ruin it by bringing in the Garth man, lol.
Nice post. Thanks for the reminder.
What is it with preachers and Country music.
Especially you. You should have been raised on Southern Rock and Country.
Now I'll admit the stuff from the late '70s and '80s is not that great but some of the new stuff really captures the sentiments of most people on a myriad of topics.
Are you not moved to tears by "Honky Tonk Ba Donky Donk" (is that even how you spell it?). Ooops wrong song, I meant "Jesus Take the Wheel", yea, yea that song not the first one. ;>)
I was raised on Country, but sometimes we can overcome our upbringing.
I'm not really that oppossed to Country. It just makes life more interesting to be against a few things sometimes.
And, I did like the post.
Umm...wading in here- do they still MAKE Country Music? I thought we banned that. Or was that Disco?
(Ooh- cheap shot. Sorry!)
Southern Fried Rock ain't bad. Saw ZZ Top a few years ago here in town. Molly Hatchet at the House of Blues in Myrtle Beach. Allman Brothers. Ram Jam (Black Betty). Steve Miller Band- would they rank as Southern Rock? Skynyrd, of course. Even some Kid Rock- excellent in an MP3 player when running hills- though the non-explicit version is highly recommended. Even then...
Unfortunately, I must admit I actually like the Honky Tonk Ba Donka Donk song- it's the Country version of "My Humps."
"Jesus Take the Wheel" is catchy, but I prefer Dishwalla's "Counting Blue Cars."
Wow, morning caffeine has me pontificating waaaay too much on your blog. Sorry about that!
The knee is better. It happens sometimes. I had a hard run on pavement after a long run on mountainous trails. It was my fault.
I want to run today, but I'm gauging if I should chance since I'm taking teens to Carowinds Amusement Park tomorrow. Random Thought- maybe I should go back to being a youth pastor?
OH- in the sermon, I actually quoted the Unanswered Prayers song as well. It's actually creepy just how close what I've been preaching is to what you just blogged. Except- you did a a few minutes what I pontificated on for 25 minutes.
That's just because I was too lazy to type all my expanded thoughts. Trust me, it was two days in the making, I actually had some other scripture that tied into the personal application for me.
Hmmm, maybe the next post.
Scotty, You crack me up. That's pretty good, finding something to be against just to be against something. But of course that's why I don't like the Yankees or the Bears. (Did I just type that out loud?)
Don't forget yer roots boy, if'n ya was razed country, ya is always gonna be country, aint ner use fighten' it.
Just a quick note- I have quoted you in the message for Sunday. No one knows who you are and its just on a first-name basis, but I wanted to give credit. No need to let those people think I'm that deep!
If that's not OK and you don't want to be quoted, it's easy to fix- just let me know.
I don't mind at all. I put it out here on the net, I figure it's fair game.
Heck, my heads swelling from the thought that someone is quoting something from off here, good or bad.
Ok, pride cometh before a fall, and I've got to walk down a flight of stairs to leave my office. I better take the elevator.
If I write anything deemed worthy to repeat, I'm honored. If I write of a mistake I've made and sharing it will keep others from the same mistake, again I'm honored.
Thanks- I wouldn't have expected less.
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