30 September 2007

Some Days are Diamonds...Some Days are Stones...

Today made me wonder if I wanted to run again. I attempted a long run of between 15 and 18 miles.

I made it 13.5, that included running and walking. With emphasis on walking.

Jina and I joined others from my company to work on a Habitat for Humanity House. If you get a chance, volunteer, you'll be amazed. That meant no long run on Saturday morning, fatique scratched a Sunday morning attempt, so Sunday afternoon it was. Let's keep this simple.

Started out good, then GI issues from eating before running, dehydration, leg cramps, shoulder cramps, irritated sinus, and a bruised psychy. I think lack of rest finally caught up with me.

So I'm going to call it a day and save my thoughts for another day.

Yesterday was a diamond, today....a big fat boulder..., but hey, I woke up this morning, both legs worked, the ticker was ticking and the lungs drew a breath. That puts me ahead of the curve.

To my dedicated fans, sorry I didn't match the past two months. I only got up 11 posts this month.


Brian said...

The stones- man, I love the stones. Fred, Wilma, Pebbles...

OK- I'm just punchy and nervous before going out on the "long run that causes desolation." I'm getting ready to head out and try to run a solitary, no one around ever, trail with lots of hills that will end up being close to 12 miles. I'd be OK if I hadn't mountain biked yesterday.

Oh well, today may be a stone for me.

I'm sure Habitat work caused some issues for your run. But...like you say, it was a diamond. Part of the heart of Jesus: taking care of those in need.

Hopefully your next long run will come off without a hitch, energy to spare.


21k said...

Only 13.5. That's only 12 more than a few years ago + your Habitat work. You rock!