28 August 2007


Ever have anyone look at you like you like you're crazy when you talk about exercising or running? It seems the more you are committed to it, or the more you push the intensity envelope, the stranger you appear to people.

I haven't decided yet, does this say more about me, or about society in general? Here on my blog I recognize that, if you are one of my very small group of readers, you are probably also a runner or committed to exercise of some sort, so I try to be direct about my thoughts on fitness and health. But an elitest I'm not. If someone chooses not to exercise or eat right, that is their choice and I'm fine with that.

With that disclaimer out of the way, it just seems odd to me that people see me as being "odd" because I'm willing to run the amount that I do and, while I'm no saint when it comes to eating, (I just polished off some oil popped popcorn. Can you say trans fat), I try to be sensible. This isn't limited to me, I have a friend, an ex-ultramarathoner/tri-athelete who is the point of many office comments because of his continued dedication to fitness. I know of another acquiantance who's appearance was criticized by someone else because they thought the individual should look better for the amount of exercise they do. Funny, sometimes people act like we have a disease that thy might catch.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I plan on staying the course. As a virtual "unknown" in high school, and with little other reason for notoriety in this world, I like being different. It goes nicely with being healthy and in shape.

1 comment:

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

i don't understand why people wouldn't want to be in shape! while this doesn't make me better than anyone, i just can't comprehend it. i LOVE to exercise. i feel so great in every aspect of my life because of that! yes, this is a disease that may be caught from me! :)