Throughout our lives, and in nearly every aspect of life, we evolve over time.
Baby to Toddler to Adolescent to Teen to Young Adult to 29 yr old to 29 yr old to 29 yr old to Old Lion.
Sane to Parent to Insane.
Boyfriend to Fiance' to Husband to Lazy Bum
Girlfriend to Fiancee' to Wife to Nag....I mean...Wonderful Radiant Creature and Gift From God!..Man that was close...
Today, while on a plane ride, I did a little thinking about myself as a runner. This was prompted by the fact that I was exhausted and sore from getting up at 4:30 AM to run intervals in advance of a 7:00 AM flight which sandwiched me into a nearly vertical seating position in a space unfit for my 3 year old's comfort. Here's what I came up with.
I was first motivated to run because I had begun to creep upward on the weight scale. Having been thirty or so pounds overweight once before, I decided I wasn't going back there. So at about ten to fifteen pounds overweight I became a runner. Fitness was my motivation.
After a couple of races, I became enthralled with the race atmosphere and the chance to compete, mainly against myself, but also against the mid-pack folks in my age group. For a guy who believes anything worth playing is worth playing to win, I found a new motivation, racing.
The next logical step in this progression was full "consumption". I was consumed by running. Two different magazine subscriptions (one I got as a race SWAG), a GPS, multiple new pairs of shorts and shirts and a Fuel Belt for long runs. I was hooked and I wanted to be fast, or maybe an ultra-distance runner, or both. Every trip to the Internet was a chance to look up something new about running. My motivation was a desire to get faster and stronger. (For those old enough to remember the show, be sure to do the
Bionic Man sound effect when you read "faster and stronger")
Today, I'm an addict. I still run for fitness. I still race. I still dream of running faster or farther, but other responsibilities (darn kids, stupid job, nagging...I mean Wonderful Radiant...) make that unlikely. No matter. Now I run because I want to, and perhaps have to. My days seem incomplete without it. No matter how tired or sore, I drag myself out, questioning my on lunacy at times. Still I run, sometimes not knowing, perhaps not caring why. I'm a running junky looking for my next fix.
Who knows where this evolution ends up. Over training, breaking down, being put out to pasture. Last time I checked, they don't put human men up for "Stud", and I'm confident my Wonderful Radiant Creature (I'm learning) would have me "put down" before she let that happen. Perhaps I'll keep running until there are so few in my age group, I win consistently. Perhaps like Forrest Gump, I'll just stop one day and walk back home.
Actually, perhaps Aerosmith got it right, "'s a journey, not a destination, and I just can't tell just what tomorrow brings...", and running is now part of my journey, or, just maybe, I'm thinking about this way too much, either way, it's